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    Keerthi Rajagopal

    • Mar 30, 2020

    1.Lunar Sea refers to : (a) a small sea on the moon (b) a sea on earth which experiences high tides due to gravitational attraction of the moon (c) a dark plain on the moon (d) a light water body illuminated by the moon-light Ans:( c ) 2.'Parsec' is the unit of measurement of: (a) density of stars (b) astronomical distance (c) brightness of heavenly bodies (d) orbital velocity of giant stars Ans: (b) 3.Which one of the following statements regarding Shooting Stars is incorrect ? (a) They are meteors (b) They are the debris which got separated from a comet (c) They emit light due to extremely high temperature caused by friction while they are passing through earth's atmosphere (d) They are a kind of a star Ans: (d) 4. Foucault experiment is proof of which one of the following? (a) Revolution of Earth (b) Rotation of Earth (c) Rotation of Moon (d) Revolution of Moon Ans:(b) 5.The Srnith-tuttle comet will crash with Earth in: [IA S 2003] (a) 2106 AD (b) 2116 AD (c) 2126 AD (d) 2136 AD Ans: (b) 6.The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest: (a) along the Equator (b) at the North Pole (c) along the Tropic of Cancer (d) along the Arctic Circle Ans:(a) 7."Mohs' Scale" is used to indicate the: (a) degree of brittleness of a substance (b) degree of hardness of minerals. (c) degree of viscosity of a liquid (d) degree of elasticity of a material Ans: (b) 8. The earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Aphelion) on : (a) June 21st (b) January 3rd (c) July 4th (d) September 23rd Ans: (c) 9.The speed of rotation of the earth is: (a) 25 km/sec. (b) 31 km/sec. (c) 39.5 km/sec. (d) 9.72 km/sec. Ans: (d) 10.Heat received by earth from the Sun is known as: (a) insolation (b) solar heat (c) solar radiation (d) thermal radiation Ans: (a)

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